The beginning

At fourteen, Natalie Frank wrote her debut book, a historical fiction novel centered around the men aboard U-505, the first-captured German U-boat, and the men aboard the USS Guadalcanal who captured them. After six months of writing and editing, Natalie self-published the novel on It launched at a local exhibition. The book garnered local acclaim and garnered significant media attention. Per invitation, Natalie gave many presentations, including at the Fox Cities Book Festival, on the art of historical fiction, the effective collection of research, and the emotional resonance brought to the narrative. 

Media attention and collaboration with local libraries led to the sale of over 300 copies, an excellent achievement for a budding writer. Natalie's debut book served as a testament to her love of writing; it foreshadowed a promising future as a literary force unafraid to write about interpersonal complexity in history and fantasy.

The now

Natalie Frank has evolved into a fantasy romance and science fiction writer. She delves into the realms of speculative fiction and explores intricate issues of gender narratives, sociological villainy, and other pertinent themes. While weaving tales transporting readers to distant worlds, Natalie interweaves thought-provoking social commentary. Her writing offers escapism and reflection as she tackles complex subjects within the confines of her fantastical universes. Natalie Frank's literary contributions have become a beacon of inspiration for those who seek not only fiery romances and thrilling adventures but also meaningful reflections on the human condition.

Her writing process consists of a 2-8 month period of writing the novel's first draft, followed by a period of staticism to allow perspective. As of 2023, she has written three fantasy romances, two science fiction, two literary fiction novels, and a historical fiction novel.